

Reviews (11)

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Reviews (11)
  • ****t
    Product arrived quickly and in discreet packaging. There are multiple speeds which is always appreciated, and it gets really fast. There is also an option for vibration which is a good addition for pleasure. The soft end pulls off of the handle for easy cleaning which is really nice and convenient.
  • M****w
    Really packs a punch, not quiet but not loud. Gets the job done quickly! Small and compact. Easy to store and clean. Battery lasts for a long time.
  • D****a
    This is great so it actually isn’t to big or heavy for me to hold, the settings especially the spinning is great works well you even get a little bottle of lubricant yayyyy and the packaging was perfect everything was there I’m super excited about this toy.
  • ****e
    I don’t usually leave reviews especially on something explicit. But this is a must have, an amazing machine. Any man in your life will love you, for getting him this product, she wanted to try something new to spice things up a little! And WOW!!! It packs a punch you won’t regret, easy to hold, and hold on for the Ride, 5 Thrusting with the Rotating and then 10 Vibrating. This is the toy you have been looking for all your life, it’s easy to use, easy to assemble, easy to clean and very easy to get addicted too. The Best!! It came in a discreet packaging I didn't know what it was. You get a lot of bang for your buck; Yes, and the price is awesome too.